
The Easiest Pumpkin Spice Latte
Autumn is finally amongst us and yes even before the temperatures dropped, Starbucks had their #PSL aka Pumpkin Spice Latte out in celebration. I decided

Hôtel de Rougemont & Spa
Over the Summer, I received a lovely little email asking if I would be interested in discovering the Hôtel de Rougemont & Spa. How could

Montreux Palace Bar & Grill
This Summer, I was invited to discover the Montreux Palace Bar & Grill. This restaurant, is located on the first floor of the Montreux Palace

Rosemary Tagliatelle with roasted mixed vegetables
When thinking about what I could make as a delicious yet simple recipe and maximising seasonal and local products, I decided to use tomatoes as

La découverte de Minestrone à Montreux
Minestrone est blotti dans un recoin tranquille de Montreux. Cette luxueuse petite épicerie regorge de délicieux produits, des fruits et légumes frais jusqu’aux pâtes faites

Discovering Minestrone in Montreux
Tucked away in a little quiet part of Montreux lies Minestrone. This little high-end epicerie contains rows of delicious products, from fresh fruit and vegetable

Al Sacco now does brunch !
Love brunch? Love healthy and wholesome food? Love Fridays? Great ! Me too, at Al Sacco you can now combine all three elements with their

Salade de Roquette, Tomates et Maïs Grillé
Cette salade a été créé à partir de restes que j’ai trouvé dans le frigo et, en toute honnêteté, c’était une belle réussite! Alors, j’ai

Rocket, Tomato and Grilled Corn Salad
This salad literally just was developed out of leftovers in the fridge and honestly it turned out to look and taste great! So, I thought

Rocket, Tomato and Grilled Corn Salad
This salad literally just was developed out of leftovers in the fridge and honestly it turned out to look and taste great! So, I thought

Salade Estivale à la Pastèque et aux Fraises
AH c’est enfin l’été !!! Il y a rien de plus estivale que la pastèque et les fraises… Surtout avec la chaleur extrême que nous

Watermelon and Strawberry Salad
HELLO SUMMER !!! Nothing says Summer more than watermelon and strawberries… Especially with the extreme heat we have been getting, a fruity but refreshing salad

Strawberry Crumble
This dessert is quick, simple and ideal for a dinner party this Summer. This dish is vegan friendly, free from refined sugar and can also

Le Bis, Montreux
The newest restaurant in Montreux, Le Bis, recently took over and transformed what was previously knows as the Bavaria, an establishment which was around for

Une journée avec Viande Suisse
En début d’année, j’ai été contactée par Viande Suisse, qui désirait que je participe en tant que blogueuse culinaire de Suisse romande à leur campagne

My day with Swiss Meat
Swiss Meat contacted me at the start of the year, asking me if I wanted to be their Suisse Romande food blogger for their current

Wraps de Laitue au Porc Satay
J’ai créé cette recette spécialement pour ma collaboration avec Mon Bout de Suisse. J’adore le porc à la cuisson lente, comme je l’ai indiqué dans

Satay Pork Lettuce Wraps
I created a variation of Satay Pork Lettuce Wraps specifically for my collaboration with Mon Bout de Suisse by Viande Suisse. I love slow cooked

Wraps de Laitue au Porc Satay
J’ai créé cette recette spécialement pour ma collaboration avec Mon Bout de Suisse. J’adore le porc à la cuisson lente, comme je l’ai indiqué dans

Satay Pork Lettuce Wraps
I created a variation of Satay Pork Lettuce Wraps specifically for my collaboration with Mon Bout de Suisse by Viande Suisse. I love slow cooked

Curry Crevettes – Coco & Nouilles de Riz
J’adore savourer un bon curry de crevettes, surtout s’il est assaisonné au lait de coco et accompagné de délicieuses nouilles de riz. C’est un parfait

The MET Opens in Geneva
Ah Summer… Those bright sunny days, the birds are singing, printed summery dresses, relaxing by the lake and well rooftop apéros with friends ! Yes

57° Grill à Ouchy
Pour la plus grande joie des carnivores, le 57° Grill a ouvert récemment à Ouchy. Cédez à vos envies face aux innombrables plats de viandes

Prawn Coconut Curry & Rice Noodles
I love a good prawn curry especially with coconut milk and paired with some delicious rice noodles. It makes for a really easy midweek meal

57° Grill in Ouchy
Carnivores rejoice everywhere as thanks to 57° Grill, Ouchy’s latest restaurant opening – you can indulge in countless meat and fish dishes. Reunite your friends

Roasted Cauliflower Soup
Do you love cauliflower too? This recipe is super simple and super delicious! Don’t let the word soup fool you into thinking that it isn’t

L’Alimentarium Vevey
Aussi loin que remontent mes souvenirs, je me rappelle l’existence de l’Alimentarium de Vevey. Je me rappelle très bien y avoir passé de nombreuses courses
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I like to focus on healthy eating as it is an important aspect of my life but it doesn’t mean that I don’t enjoy a gooey chocolatey dessert or a huge bowl of creamy ice cream. The recipes below are either from my own creations or adapted to suit my taste!