
Health Blog Award : Best European Blog



I was totally surprised and over the moon when I got an email from the Health Bloggers Community in London saying that I have been shortlisted for a Health Blog Award.

After having begun my blog a year and a half ago, with the idea of wanting to develop skills such as photography, wordpress, design etc and to share my recipes as I had people in my surroundings ask me numerous times for certains recipes.  I never expected anything more for my blog. I was very pleasantly surprised that within weeks I had my first collaboration and from there on, I was being invited regularly to events where I was able to meet more people. I have worked with so many wonderfully talented people and the positive feedback I have received really boosted me to do more.

After a year of Sara’s Healthy Kitchen, I realised that I was very limited in what content. It is out of this reflection that A Hungry Blonde was born !  Now I can share my passion for healthy living, fitness, gastronomy, travel and much much more.


What is this Award all about??

A collaboration between That Protein and the Health Bloggers Community, the awards provide a unique opportunity to celebrate influencers.

A blog defines and represents the epitome of all digital content platforms. The HBA recognise the best in digital talent, whilst providing everyone with an opportunity to be entered into the process, no matter how big or small your following.

I have been following HBC for a year now and I really appreciate all the content they produce, the way in which other bloggers have been helping and interacting with each other.

The Voting Process

The way in which it works is that 30% is down to public vote and 70% is the judges vote.

I would be so thankful if you would take a few minutes to vote for me. It would mean so much

Steps to vote:
1. Click on the link : https://events.healthbloggerscommunity.com/awards/
2. You need to realllly scroll down under all the bloggers
3. Click on the green start button under vote for your favourite blogger
4. Select the category “Best European Blog”
5. Please click on my face A Hungry Blonde and then BOOM !  I might be one step closer to receiving my very first award !!

Thanks a million for your incredible support ! Without my community, I would never have even been nominated.

Sara Dubler

Sara Dubler

Bienvenue sur mon blog sur l'alimentation et le style de vie. J'espère vous inspirer à travers mes aventures culinaires, mes recettes saines et mes voyages !

A propos de moi
Sara Dubler

Honeycomb avec le Thermomix® TM6 Le honeycomb est un produit qui est très nostalgique pour

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Sara – Digital Creator

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J'aime avoir une alimentation saine car c'est un aspect important de ma vie, mais cela ne signifie pas que je n'apprécie pas un dessert chocolaté et fondant, ou un énorme bol de crème glacée. Les recettes ci-dessous sont soit issues de mes propres créations et adaptées à mon goût !